Serving the Marine Industry with Naval Architecture since 1983
In recent years the need for better safety has been a major requirement of the U.S. Coast Guard and SOLAS. Recently, the U.S. Coast Guard introduced the industry to it's subchapter K regulations. In the last several years we have built a number of boats the these rules. We deal with these rules on a daily basis, in both converting existing vessels and building new ones.
Structural Fire Protection, contains the rules for building your vessel to contain a fire should it occur. We can tell you how to insulate your vessel with the latest materials, and design your boat to meet all the current regulations.
Emergency Egress Plans, are designed to meet the stringent U.S. Coast Guard or SOLAS regulations regarding escape in an emergency. We design your vessel to meet these requirements such as proper door and stair sizing as well as refuge capacities.
Life Saving, contains the rules for how many and what king of lifesaving appliances your vessel needs. We can assist you in determining which life saving equipment you need, as well as helping you work with the U.S. Coast Guard or SOLAS for your vessels specific route.