Serving the Marine Industry with Naval Architecture since 1983
Perhaps you've found the vessel you want, and now the time has come to make the changes you want and get the vessel back into service. We can assist you in taking your vessel from a Dinner Cruise vessel to a Gaming Vessel, from Inland Routes to Partially Protected Routes.
We have design modifications to all classes of vessels. As an example we took the 350 ft Dayliner, a three open deck vessel and transformed it into the largest Dinner Cruise Vessel in the U.S., the New Yorker. Then in 1994 when the Riverboat Gaming Industry was in full swing we took the New Yorker (ex-Dayliner) and turned her into a Great Lakes Gaming Vessel for Gary, Indiana , the Majestic Star. Finally, we took the Majestic Star (ex-New Yorker) in 1998, and transformed her into a Offshore Casino Vessel for Cape Canaveral, FL. This was all the same vessel transformed several times to make her profilitable for her owners. She is now working as the SunCruz XII.
Perhaps this vessel is too large for you, we have taken several older Trumpy- style yachts and converted them into USCG certified vessel for up to 150 passengers.
Recently we began working on a new trend in the dinner cruise market taking smaller riverboat casino vessels and changing them into dinner cruise vessels. These vessels can make ideal dinner cruise vessels with plenty of weight to carry (once the slots have been removed.), literally tons of additional air conditioning, and more generating capacity than many operators will ever need.
Whatever you need converted we can help you by providing the following drawings.
Lines Plans
Weight Calculations
Stability Calculations,
Tonnage Plans
Inclining Experiments or Deadweight Surveys
General Arrangements and Outboard Profiles
Emergency Evacuation Plans
Structural Plans
Fire Load Calculations
Joiner work Details
Structural Fire Protection
Insulation Plans
Reflected Ceiling Plans
Hull Anode Plans
Safety Plans
Door Schedules
Window Schedules
Railing, Stairs, and Ladder Details
Piping systems drawings
Electrical System Drawings
Propulsion System Details
Heating, Ventilation, & Air Conditioning Details
The best start to any conversion is to get as much information detailed before starting any project. A little money well spent in the beginning can save a great deal latter.